Global poverty rates continued
to fall in the first four years of the 21st century,
according to
new estimates published in the World Development Indicators
2007 released yesterday.
The proportion of people living
on less than US$1 a day fell to
18.4 percent in 2004, leaving an estimated 985 million people
living in extreme poverty. By comparison, the total number of
extreme poor was 1.25 billion in 1990. Two-dollar-a-day poverty
rates are falling too, but an estimated 2.6 billion people, almost
half the population of the developing world, were still living
below that level in 2004.
Developing countries have
averaged a solid 3.9 percent annual growth in GDP per capita a year
since 2000, which contributed to rapidly falling poverty rates in
all developing regions over the past few years. Another key
reason US$1-a-day poverty fell
by over 260 million between 1990 and 2004 was China's massive
poverty reduction over that period. Indeed, East Asia’s extreme
poverty rate dropped to 9 percent in 2004.
In the rest of the developing
world, good economic performance and a lower poverty incidence in
most regions have offset a rise in the sheer numbers of poor people
that might have otherwise accompanied population growth. In
Sub-Saharan Africa, 298 million people were living in extreme
poverty in 2004, practically the same number as in 1999, whereas
the number of poor had increased continuously in the previous two
The report finds that, in the
past decade, poverty reduction was not always or everywhere
commensurate with income growth. In some countries and regions,
inequality worsened, as poor people did not reap the fruits of
economic expansion, because of a lack of job opportunities, limited
education or bad health.
"Growth is essential to reducing
poverty, but it isn't the only factor. The World Development
Indicators go beyond growth and poverty rates to ask how income
is distributed, whether health care and education are improving,
and to assess the business environment. These factors all affect
the quality of people's lives," said François Bourguignon, World
Bank chief economist
and senior vice president
for development
World Development Indicators
2007 (WDI) provides a detailed
picture of the world through data. It includes, for example,
information on health expenditures, on transport and other
infrastructure services, on the quality of public sector
management, on internet access, on access to improved water
sources, and on carbon dioxide emissions.
This 11th edition of the WDI looks at countries that
have done unusually well over the past decade. It finds strong
performers in all regions, with notably fast growth in GDP per
capita among many states of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet
Union. But it also finds that the countries with the highest rates
of under-5 mortality a decade ago have, on average, made the
slowest reduction in mortality.
"These results are worrying,"
Gelb, director of
policy, "The fact
that under-five mortality is 15 times higher in low income
countries than in wealthy ones is a stark example of how far we
still need to go."
Measuring the effectiveness of
country policies and institutions
"This year we've added new data
on the performance of governments," explained
Swanson, program
manager with the
World Bank's development
data group, "Governance
indicators are tools for assessing the strengths and weaknesses of
public institutions. Capable governments and high-quality
institutions promote growth, raise incomes, and reduce
The World Bank has used
performance assessments of governments as a basis for allocating
concessional resources since the mid-1970s. In the annual Country Policy and
Institutional Assessment, or CPIA, Bank staff evaluates
country policies and institutions covering four main clusters:
economic management, structural policies, policies for social
inclusion and equity, and public sector management and
WDI 2007 lists the most
recent Country Policy and
Institutional Assessment (CPIA) data for the 76
countries eligible to receive grants or credits from the
International Development Association (IDA), the World Bank’s
funding arm for the poorest countries. CPIA indicators measure the
extent to which a country's policy and institutional framework
supports sustainable growth and poverty reduction and,
consequently, the effective use of development
New poverty data
In the past 25 years, there has
been huge progress in undertaking nationally representative
household surveys for developing countries --
the best data
for assessing poverty reduction. Using data from over 500 such
surveys spanning 100 countries, Senior Research Manager Martin
Ravallion and Senior Statistician Shaohua Chen have just published
new 2004 regional poverty estimates for both the US$1 and
US$2 a day poverty
lines. For more on this research, which feeds into the WDI, go to:
A comprehensive guide to
development trends
Although the WDI draws on a database of
over 600 indicators covering 206 countries and territories, there
are still serious gaps in statistics from poor
"We are working with our
international partners and developing countries to improve the
quality and availability statistics covering every aspect of
development," stressed Shaida Badiee, director of
the development
data group.
While the full WDI database is available
via WDI Online or on
CD-ROM, several Little Data
Books are also available
on a range of topics. An
Atlas of Global Development and an Online Atlas of the MDGs (
are also available.
Development Gateway April 16, 2007)