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Corruption and Food Safety Top Netizen Concerns

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Social security

During 2008, a new rural insurance system was piloted in 47 cities and counties in covering about 500,000 people in Sichuan Province. Extending the plan and improving the overall social security system are key concerns for those surveyed.

Internet supervision

Instead of the government supervising the Internet, the Internet should supervise government, according to some netizens. Internet supervision is a "double-edged sword", said netizen Huang Chenhao. "A provincial-level Internet-based disciplinary inspection and supervision office with an informant forum should be set up," he suggested.


Graduate unemployment, people who lost their jobs because of the May 12 earthquake, and migrant workers were the main focus in the topic. Sichuan Province is planning to create 620,000 urban jobs this year to take the unemployment rate below 4.5 percent.

Housing for people on low-incomes

Many netizens are concerned about the high cost of housing, the distribution of housing subsides, and the use of housing funds. They also want to see provision of housing for people on low-incomes to be speeded up.

Inequality and income distribution

Netizens want to see strengthening of controls on salaries of top managers in state-owned enterprises and reform of the mechanism by which salaries are fixed.

Rural education

Some netizens complain that although the government is investing in rural primary schools and junior high schools, not enough is being invested in senior high schools in rural areas. Others complained about kindergarten fees and called for kindergartens to be included in the compulsory educational system.

( March 5, 2009)

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