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Science, Innovation in Sustainable Development Stressed

Chinese Vice Premier Zeng Peiyan says technology and innovation should be the major incentives in developing China's productivity and realizing its sustainable development.


Zeng made the remarks at the ongoing 14th World Productivity Congress (WPC) held in Shenyang, capital of northeast China's Liaoning Province.


To realize sustainable development China should institute an advanced system of productivity which considers new technology industries as the pioneers, basic and manufacturing industries as supporting players, all of which will help the service sector develop to its fullest, said Zeng.


More efforts should be made to achieve the goal of reducing energy consumption by 20 percent per unit of GDP and cutting pollution by 10 percent in the five-year period from 2006 to 2010 as China's productivity develops in an efficient, clean and safe manner, he said.


He called for implementing the strategy of reinvigorating the country through science, education and trained personnel and building a system of innovation.


He urged to build systems ensuring scientific development which help transform the mode of economic growth to achieve harmonious and sustainable development.


Kofi Annan, Secretary-general of the United Nations, said in his congratulatory letter to the Congress, that China has made great achievements in developing its economy and improving people's living standards


The 14th WPC offers an opportunity for the world to seek solutions to achieving the Millennium Development Goals set in 2000, one of which is to reduce world poverty by half by 2015, he said.


With the theme of Pursuing Scientific and Sustainable Growth in Productivity and Performance, the 14th WPC, which runs from Oct. 8 to 10, has brought together some 1,000 participants from around the world.


(Xinhua News Agency October 10, 2006)

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