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Govt Urges Caring for Needy Farmers

Vice-Premier Hui Liangyu urged caring for the production and lives of needy farmers during his inspection tour of rural areas from Feb. 3 to 5, only a few days before the traditional Spring Festival. 

"It's important to implement the scientific concept of development and strengthen the links between the Communist Party of China (CPC), the government and the masses," Hui said during his inspection tour in southwest China's Guizhou Province.

During the tour, Hui visited needy rural families, retired army men, families of servicemen and martyrs, the handicapped, families of ethnic minorities and immigrated households. He extended his festival greetings to the farmers, asked about their lives and chatted freely with them about the New Year plans.

Hui said solving the difficulties of the farmers in production and lives is the "unshirkable responsibility" of the CPC committees and governments at various levels. They should ensure the needy farmers "have adequate food, clothes and quilts as well as warm residence in cold winter".

He also called for attaching great importance to boosting economic development of the poor areas and areas inhabited by ethnic minorities and further stepping up poverty relief work.

The Chinese government has been intensifying efforts in poverty relief and boosting development of the rural economy in accordance with the scientific concept of development, which emphasizes putting people above everything else and an all-round, coordinated and sustainable development.

(Xinhua News Agency February 6, 2005)

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