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Free Trade Area on Agenda
About 400 delegates from companies and chambers of commerce in China and Association of Southeast Asian Nations countries met Monday in Kunming, capital of Yunnan Province, to discuss economic cooperation and the role of business in setting up a China-ASEAN Free Trade Area.

The second meeting of the China-ASEAN Business Council and the China-ASEAN Business Cooperation Forum received congratulatory messages from Premier Zhu Rongji and Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Shi Guangsheng.

Zhu said in his message that with efforts from both sides, the China-ASEAN relationship had grown rapidly in recent years, as evidenced by improved mutual political trust, increased economic and trade exchanges and wider cooperation.

The premier mentioned the Framework Agreement on ASEAN-China Comprehensive Economic Cooperation, which he signed with other ASEAN leaders at the China-ASEAN Summit Meeting last month.

"The treaty, setting a goal to establish the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area by 2010, highlights the great prospect of our bilateral economic cooperation and has had far-reaching impact on the world and the region itself," Zhu said

The Chinese premier said he was pleased to learn that this year's Business Council Meeting and Forum, under the theme of "Marching toward the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area," would strive to facilitate the discussion of issues related to the promotion of the Free Trade Area and the deepening of bilateral economic cooperation.

Shi said in his message that as a significant mechanism for non-governmental cooperation and dialogue between China and ASEAN countries, the China-ASEAN Business Council would actively promote economic and trade relations between China and ASEAN.

The China-ASEAN Business Council, established in November 2001 in Indonesia, is composed of the heads of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the ASEAN Chambers of Commerce and Industry, and the national chambers of commerce in ASEAN countries, as well as well-known entrepreneurs from the region.

The business council, plus high-level talks, a joint cooperative committee, economic and trade joint committee and science and technology joint committee, are five major dialogue means for cooperation between China and ASEAN.

The two-day meeting highlights acceleration of China-ASEAN economic integration, steps taken by chambers of commerce to boost mutual investment, trade and development, and the role of business communities in building the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area.

(Xinhua News Agency December 17, 2002)

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