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Doctors from Large Hospitals to See More Beijing Patients

Patients in Beijing will be able to see the doctors of large hospitals at their community level hospitals or health care centers starting from next month.


According to Beijing Daily reports, this "Through-Train Outpatient Service" between Beijing's large hospitals and community level health care services became fully operative following Beijing Municipal Health Bureau's statement on Wednesday, stating that all large and medium-sized hospitals from the city's eight urban districts must ensure their senior doctors offer daily outpatient services at community level hospitals and health care clinics starting from April 1st.


With these measures in place, patients complaining of high blood pressure, diabetes, strokes and coronary heart disease can go directly to their chosen doctors without having to rush to the crowded large hospitals where the doctors are based. Patients can bring their laboratory papers, prescribed by their doctors directly, to the large hospitals for tests and examinations without even logging in for registration.


According to the Beijing health authority, the through-train program supposes that all large and medium-sized hospitals offer their medical professionals and technologies to their communities.


Through this process, local patients can enjoy efficient medical services and community health care. And employees can enjoy training services at the same time.


For Beijing's suburban and county level hospitals, meanwhile, the program also demands they ensure that lecturer-level doctors or above serve in lower level health care clinics for at least 15 days a year.


The program further demands that outpatient and medical treatment service green channels be established so that community patients are able to enjoy much-needed services at either upper or lower levels.


The Beijing health authority adds that all those who fail to meet these required medical services will not be promoted or receive honors in the same year they register such a failure. Those who often conduct such services or volunteer to do so will, accordingly, enjoy timely promotions or honors.


(CRI March 16, 2007)

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