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What Is the Legislative Process of the NPC Standing Committee?

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If necessary, the Standing Committee can, in the course of deliberations, convene a joint group or plenary session to discuss major issues of the draft law.

For a bill that has been put on the agenda and a subsequent problem consensus formed, a procedure of voting may take place after two deliberations by the session of the Standing Committee. For a bill which partially amends a national law, a problem consensus can be brought to a vote after one deliberation.

In the course of deliberations by the group sessions, the sponsor can send representatives to the sessions to hear comments and answer questions.

In the course of deliberations, and if requested by a group, a relevant agency or organization can send representatives to brief the group session.

When a bill that has been put on the agenda of the Standing Committee session has been deliberated by the special committee, it shall present its findings, and print and distribute them, to members of the Standing Committee session.

In the course of deliberation, the relevant special committee can invite members of other committees to give special comment.

For a bill that has been put on the agenda of a session of the Standing Committee, the Law Committee can conduct uniform deliberations based on opinions from members of the Standing Committee, the relevant special committee and concerned constituents, and thereafter, give a report on the status of amendment or produce a deliberation report and amended draft law. This report or deliberation will contain notes on major issues of opinion and where a major deliberation opinion is not adopted, the Law Committee should report back to the special committee.

In the course of deliberation, the Law Committee may invite members of a relevant special committee to give their comments.

In the course of deliberation, a special committee will convene a plenary session to conduct deliberations and may request the relevant agency to send the person in charge to brief the session.

When, in the course of deliberations, opinion on a major topic varies, this shall be reported to the Meeting of the Chairmen.

For a bill which has been put on the agenda for a session of the Standing Committee, the Law Committee, the relevant special committee and the office of the Standing Committee shall hear the opinions of concerned constituents, by panel discussion, feasibility study meetings and hearings.

Once deliberated, the office of the Standing Committee will distribute the draft law to the relevant agencies, experts and organizations for comment, and will compile the commentary and present to the Law Committee and the relevant special committee as appropriate, and if required, distribute to the current session of the Standing Committee.

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