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Statistical Communiqué of the People's Republic of China on the 2008 National Economic and Social Development

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1. All figures in this Communiqué are preliminary statistics.

2. Statistics in this Communiqué do not include Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan Province.

3. Due to the rounding-off reasons, the subentries may not add up to the aggregate totals.

4. Gross domestic product (GDP) and value added as quoted in this Communiqué are calculated at current prices, whereas their growth rates are at constant prices.

5. Six highly energy-consuming industries are: manufacture of raw chemical materials and chemical products, manufacture of non-metallic mineral products, smelting and pressing of ferrous metals, smelting and pressing of non-ferrous metals, oil processing, coking and nuclear fuel processing, and production and supply of electricity and heat.

6. Output and consumption of rolled steel include duplicated counting of rolled steel as intermediate inputs used for producing other types of rolled steel.

7. The national total of fixed assets investment is larger than the aggregate sum by adding up the subtotals of fixed assets investment in the eastern areas, central areas, and western areas due to the fact that some of the trans-regional investments are not covered by regional figures.

8. The investment in real estate includes the investment made in real estate development, construction of buildings for own use, property management, intermediary services and other real estate development.

9. The original premium income received by the insurance companies refers to the premium income from original insurance contracts confirmed by the insurance companies.

10. The number of people covered in urban basic health insurance programs for urban staff and workers include staff and workers and retirees insured. The urban basic health insurance programs for urban residents refer to urban non-employed residents who are not covered by the urban basic health insurance programs for staff and workers.

11. Statistics on poverty population in rural areas are based on the newly revised rural poverty line, which is incomparable with historical data.

12. The consumption of water for producing 10 thousand yuan worth of GDP is calculated at 2005 constant prices. The turnover of post and telecommunication services is calculated at constant prices of 2000.

(National Bureau of Statistics of China February 27, 2009)

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